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Shenzhen Lianxun Optronics Co.,Ltd

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以市场为导向、顾客满意为宗旨 不断达到国际标准 领先行业水平
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Why Choose us
High-Standard Dust Free workshop
Source: | Author:LX Display | Published time: 2016-10-07 | 2134 Views | Share:
Our workshop is dust-free, temperature and humidity controlled, the air pure degree have to be recorded time by time. 

Polarizer cutting, polarizer attaching are all fulfilled by ourselves to keep better quality control.

We have regulation on jumpsuits  and how to enter the workshop.

We have detailed policy about the maintainance of quipments.

ALL persons are not allowed to take Cell phones to workshop.

Anti-static straps, ionizer blows, finger gloves...are the musts for some procedures.

We offered 5S trainings to our staffs and we implement 5S policy in the workshop and also office.

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Address: F5,Building 8B, XiangJiang Industrial Park, Yingrenshi Community, Shiyan Town, Shenzhen, China, 518108